Barack Obama suggested during a speech Thursday that Republicans are the ones weaponizing the justice system against their political enemies, and that Americans should be concerned about elections being rigged.
The remarks, made during an appearance at the ‘Democracy Forum’, had many noting how hypocritical the Democrats are, after years of stating that concerns of election rigging constitute ‘disinformation’, as well as actively sicking the Department of Justice on president Trump.
“Since total victory is impossible in a country politically split down the middle, the result is a doom loop of government gridlock, even greater polarization, wilder rhetoric, and a deepening conviction among partisans that the other side is breaking the rules and has rigged the game to tip it in their favor,” Obama stated.
He added, “One side tries to stack the deck and lock in [very long pause]…A permanent grip on power, either by actively suppressing votes or politicizing the armed forces or using the judiciary criminal justice system to go after opponents.”
Why can’t Obama just go away ?
Here’s a suggestion for you Barry, sell your homes in Martha’s Vineyard and D.C.
Move back to Chicago and open up a hotdog cart and sell Chicago Red Hots on a street corner somewhere.
( A Chicago Red Hot, also known as a Chicago-style hot dog or Chicago Dog, is a hot dog served on a poppy seed bun with a variety of toppings: )
Most people are tired of hearing from you and really don’t want to hear from Biden, Harris, Clinton, Pelosi, Cheney and many other democrats and RINO’S.
It’s time for ya’ll to get out of politics and stay out of the public eye. Take your millions of dollars that ya’ll are worth and just go away.
barack HUSSEIN obama speaks the truth, he describesa exactly what his party has been doing for the last eight years
The cheating goes all the way back to gore and hanging chads..obbummer was also a stolen election.
Dems are the deceivers liars gaslighters, exposing themselves as real culprits while trying to deflect blame to others.
Obama speaks for the luciferian lodges and the wheels are in motion once again!!
Barack, get your ass back to Kenya or any place besides in this country, and sit down and shut up!!!