If you are planning on using the landfill and or any of the transfer stations/convenience centers, as of today additional county employees will be at every location making sure you not only have your current permit but that it is properly affixed to your windshield as instructed on the paperwork you received when you got your permit.
I commend the County Executive for supporting this effort as far too many people were simply getting away with not following instructions and or not even having a county permit at all. I personally watched someone yesterday at the landfill attempting to dump their trash and even several tires into the dumpsters and the employee nailed them on the spot and forced them to go over the scales and pay to dump their trash and tires.
I personally watch on a daily basis people driving past my store with the bed of their truck and a trailer full of trash bags, (multiple times a day) carrying 20 to 30 bags of trash heading to the Parsonsburg transfer station. No one can have that many bags on their property without rats, cats or whatever breaking open these bags sitting outside. I wish the county would make a rule, no more then 6 to 10 bags a day, period. Local companies are abusing the rules and in the long run we the taxpayers will ultimately pay the price.
So don’t act like jerks from here on out when they tell you that you can no longer dump without your permit properly affixed to your windshield. And how dare you alleged men cursing out the female employees for DOING THEIR JOB! Show some respect.