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Liars, liars, liars! MAUREEN CALLAHAN’s howl of rage and disgust at Biden’s Hunter pardon, his legacy of corruption… and the utterly terrifying bombshells still to come

What little was left of Joe Biden‘s legacy is in tatters.

Having promised the American people repeatedly, and for months, that he wouldn’t do it – well, on Sunday night, President Biden announced that he had pardoned his son Hunter, for crimes committed as well as any future charges.

Future charges! Well, well, well.

Hunter, we know, earned millions sitting on boards he wasn’t qualified for, introduced shady businessmen to his father, frequented sex workers, and pled guilty to lying about his active drug addiction when purchasing a firearm, as well as tax evasion — owing the IRS $1.4 million, yet spending millions more on drugs, hookers, five-star hotels and a sex-club membership.

To say nothing of banging his dead brother’s widow and (allegedly) her sister at the same time, then knocking up a stripper and disowning that child — a child barely ackowledged by Joe himself. But hey, at least none of that’s illegal.

The totality of Hunter’s depravity, however, begs the question: What does Joe Biden know that we don’t? What other skeletons hang in the family closet?

We certainly can’t rely on the liberal media, which spent years denying that Hunter’s laptop was real — a Russian hoax, per the New York Times, MSNBC and their ilk — while telling us that Biden was sharper than ever (until he wasn’t), that the border was secure, the economy was gangbusters, that men can be women, that Kamala Harris was totally qualified and that Donald Trump was Hitler.

Make no mistake: The Bidens, the Democratic machine and Establishment media despise us, the average voters. They think we’re too stupid to notice what’s really going on — and when we do, they tell us we’re even more stupid for believing what we see and hear.


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