This reported in Montgomery County
Groundbreaking Held for $86M Affordable Housing Project in North Bethesda
Click below for full article.
They funded this project with County and State money however they got private partners to invest as well
Key contributors include:
- Montgomery Housing Partnership (MHP), nonprofit sponsor and developer
- Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community Affairs
- Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
- Amazon Housing Equity Fund
- Capital One
- Enterprise Communities
- Freddie Mac
- Grandbridge Real Estate Capital
- NeighborWorks America
- Truist Bank
Also I would love to know how much money the Maryland Department of Housing put into this project? This project costs more than what is needed from the State for Frutiland Primary. Trying to get private partners could be the way to go, with the selling point to a Business like Pohanka for example this investment ensures we don’t have to increase your taxes, as we know it seems the Executive and her allies like Barry Beachamp seem to want to do to Wicomico Countys Small Businesses and Working Families..
Why not also get all the local churches to donate?
Ya know , pohanka isn’t the only business here.
They do a lot for the community, isn’t it time for others to step up.
About time to start noticing all the others that do nothing.