At the Worcester County Board of education meeting held on November 19, 2024, board member Katie Addis exposed a disinformation campaign by the teachers’ association as they are stating that there are no boys in girls restrooms, when there have been numerous confirmed reports from students, parents, and faculty. All board members, the superintendent, principals, other elected officials, the Delmarva Parent Teacher Coalition, and other news outlets have all received reports that boys are using girls restrooms in Worcester County Public Schools.
In attempt to create a diversion to aid the disinformation, board president Todd Ferrante deflects with a statement that there’s currently a law in place that allows a person to use a restroom based upon one’s gender identity. Ferrante was referring to the Biden Administration’s recent Title IX legislation.
The issue is that boys are in fact using girls restrooms, and the teachers’ association was saying opposite for the purpose of political interference. No other board member would correct the fact that boys are using girls restrooms, despite having official meetings to discuss this matter.
In addition, the WCTA employed its minions to harass conservative school board candidates, propagate more LIES against conservative school board candidates, destroy conservative school board candidate signs and claim to be “non-partisan” by red-taping their “RED APPLE” signs showing support for the Senate winning TAX CHEAT Alsobrooks.
Oh, those wacky libs! I’m sure gonna miss ’em
The whole board of education needs to go. Nothing but a woke bunch of people who care nothing about the education of the county students, it’s all about their own personal interests
A lot of teachers need ro be fired. They are supposed to teach, not to try influence people to their beliefs