Giordano says she’ll be a frequent flyer in the Governor’s office, working to get state support for peninsula priorities.
“An Executive has such a great working relationship, and has that inner ability to talk to the governor and his staff,” Giordano said. And, I think that’s important, and I think [voters] saw that.”
What the Executive said after the election, and was victorious against Question A.
Then We saw The State of Maryland and the Moore Administration so sorry no money for the Civic center, and Frutiland Primary in Wicomico County due to the $2 Billion Dollar plus record deficit the State of Maryland is running, worst financial shape the State has been in, in 20 years.
At the County”s CIP meeting Maryland State Delegate Barry Beachamp announced the State was broke, and if the County wanted Frutiland Primary and a Park at Connelly Mill, that they probably needed to “Increase” property taxes to pay for these things. Well the State of Maryland has already Increased Taxes and Fees over the past 2 years to the tune of over $400 Million Dollars on Marylands Small Businesses and Working Families, with the reality of more tax increases coming from the State in the 2025 session in Annapolis due to the States terrible financial conditions.
During the 2024 election on Question A, the Anti Question A group said the Executive Position, would be a “voice for the people to stand up against Tax Increases for the people of Wicomico County.” A message peddled by the Executives top “news propagandist” Earl Campbell the Owner of Eastern Shore Undercover.
“From a personal standpoint, I’m not sure I can afford for my taxes to be raised like they were many years ago, before there was an Executive Form of Government and before there was someone who could veto those outlandish decisions made by the county council. So, I fight relentlessly for this position because I so firmly believe in having that voice.” Earl Campbell / Eastern Shore Undercover 10/21/24
We saw in the last Wicomico County Council meeting Steve Miller the head of Parks and Rec and Pam Oland the County’s fiance director say on the 11th of October of 2024, say they knew there was a problem with State funding for the Civic Center project, so it seems by mid October internally the Executive and her inner allies knew there were big problems coming out of Annapolis financially.
Yet the Executive, Carl Anderton, Bunky Luffman, Earl Campbell of Eastern Shore Undercover, and Delegate Barry Beachamp advocated all of October through election day in November that Governor Moore had Wicomicos back because of their “great working relationship”. The Executive had mailers made and signs made with the Governor on them. Also saying the Executive would fight to protect the County from more Tax Increases in a TV Ad that was produced.
Well it’s seems on October 11th they knew this farce, wasn’t a reality in anyway shape or form, but peddled the message to defeat question A.
The voters of Wicomico County should be reminded about all of this until next election…. The Executive and her allies lied and deceived the voters of Wicomico County, talk about a major lack of transparency…
For a number of reasons, Julie should be a one-term executive!
She was the lesser of the evils available at election time!
Hopefully, we’ll have better candidates to choose from in the future!
So now our new delegate, Barry Beachamp, is aligning with the county executive, Mike Dunn of the Salisbury Chamber of Commerce and the Republican Central Committee to modify or overturn the Revenue. Well Wicomico voters, you get what you voted on. Good luck with that.
🖕Barry Beauchamp is disappointing me already
Barry Beauchamp was a liar in high school 40 plus years ago!
He made his money the old fashioned way, he married into it and then took credit as a “self made man”….
Been on here preaching about the education tax sunami coming due to corruption
In the boe and unions, the stealing of funds to pay for the criminal illegals who sneak into the system ..better move now..time is getting short.
Julie and Pam were just proven right by Less Moore’s running the State’s budget into the ground.
Both Julie and Pam were recorded, in June’s budget CC sessions on PAC-14, stating the next 2 years would be bad on both a state and county level. Moreso, they even advocated to keep as much of the contingency funds as possible, for just such a day. They didn’t want to go forward with Fruitland primary funding but listened to the education Karen’s and removed funding from the county’s contingency fund. Fast-forward to today and the state has pulled back on its commitment.
Barry is right! With the state being broke and county holding on with less in its contingency fund, it won’t take long before cuts will happen in Wicomico, if taxes aren’t raised.
Making friends with harden tax-n-spend democrats in hopes of getting a few of our taxes (crumbs) back is the price every republican county faces EVERY day in Maryland.
If you want to start with cuts! Get rid of Steve Miller and whatever that was sitting next to him at the November 19th County Council meeting. Almost ever council meeting they are sitting there begging for more funding when they knew in the first place what they had to spend on a project. Five million dollars for a new roof and now coming back to the council for almost 3 million for the exterior upgrade project? Just poor management and planning and also poor stewardship to the taxpayers of the county.
And Madam Executive continues to pump million$ into the airport. And for what? Is the airport supposed to be the economic and job creating future for the county? Seems so.
Total Waste of money!
The queen bee sure is mighty cozy with ole Les Moore.