‘No branch of any federal, state, or local government in this country should ever attempt to control the content of political speech’
Officials in the town of Surprise, Arizona, have been humiliated by a public scolding from a judge in Maricopa County in a case in which they ordered a woman at a public meeting arrested because they didn’t like what she was saying.
The Constitution’s First Amendment, of course, was written in order to protect speech that someone doesn’t like, and in this case the comments were about the ability – or ineptitude – of a tax-paid city official.
Rebekah Anne Massie came to the public meeting to express her displeasure, and got arrested for her words.
Anybody wanna put money on the people requesting and effecting the arrest were Democrats?!
Heck No !!!
These vile creature are luciferians marxist pigs..democrat/ republican … it does not does not matter. Their actions tell who they get theirs ideals from