EXCLUSIVE: Part 2 – Actuarial Analysis Unmasks Impossible Voter Turnouts at the Precinct Level in 11 Virginia Counties
This actuarial analysis from a guest contributor-actuarial professional outlines evidence of serious election fraud.
In the run-up to the 2020 General election, Virginia Democrats in full control of elections did a curious thing – they mandated that absentee mail-in ballot totals processed through the Central Absentee Precinct centers would not be reported at the precinct level but rather as a single total at the county level. It is believed by election integrity activists the reason for this decision is that it would facilitate mail-in ballot cheating, given that fraudulent votes would otherwise need to be allocated to precincts carefully to ensure that precinct turnout rates would appear realistic.
As long as there was no effort to find the actual absentee mail-in allocations and check precinct turnout statistics, no one would be the wiser.
The swamp= luciferians . Their agenda, Lie steal cheat deceive