Politically incorrect words don’t kill, but Venezuelan gangs do.
Donald Trump this week warned rally-goers in a small Wisconsin community that “if Kamala is reelected, your town and every town . . . will be transformed into a third-world hellhole.”
He’s repeatedly said that Biden-Harris open borders are turning New York into a “third world nation” and America into a “third world disaster” — and the rhetoric makes left-wing elites apoplectic.
Never mind the violence perpetrated by migrant gangs and the societal disorder caused by open borders: Their problem is with the words.
NPR says the term “third world” is “offensive.” Foreign Policy columnist Howard French calls it “utterly racist rhetoric.”
It’s an intentional distraction.
Who cares what NPR says!
Government funded NPR. Need I say more.
NPR says the term “third world” is “offensive.” Oh, I’m sorry if this offended you or your liberal listeners. NOT !!!
Put on a helmet, it’s tough out there.
PBS is not much better. The only show I watch is This Old House, and if Tom Silva starts wearing a pink tool belt, I’m done! Lol