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A Viewer Writes: Wicomico County Future

I often wonder what shape our county will be like in ten years. If we continue to follow our current path it seems like it will be a total disaster. No matter what happens with our government, things just keep going down hill for the people.
 It was because of a Good Old Boy style government in 2000, and after a twenty-four percent increase in property taxes and a promise of another eleven percent increase the following year, that the people had to take action. ( Look around. These people are still here. Still trying to take advantage of the people). Perhaps someone would like to chime in here and list some of the ways the people are taken advantage of. I could do it but I want to hear from you, the people.
 In order to try and get more accountability from county government, around 2006 the people voted to go to a County Executive form of government. Personally I was all for it. I too thought a government mirrored after our federal government would be better for the people. Boy was that another big mistake in my life. Just look at our federal government today. What a disaster. I don’t blame our county problems on either party because in my area of responsibility, the School Board, the revenue situation just went down, down, down. Even as county revenues increased by about 59% between 2010 and 2024, education funding went down, down, down. I once thought education was a top priority in this county but the stats speak for themselves. Thank God for our faith based connections and any grants we can get hold of.
 At the County Council meeting on October 1st, at RM 301 in the County Office Building, 6PM, I will give the council a chart that is titled ” Change in Portion of County Budget Allocated to Departments, FY 10-FV-23″. I will try to have copies for the public sitting next to the agenda so the people can see what I’m presenting.
 I will try and introduce this chart during public comments during Resolution No. 126-2024. The reasoning being how will council members vote on giving a 1.5 million dollar tax break to a contractor that sets precedent for future revenue losses to the county in the future.
 Here’s my question to you: Who looks after the PEOPLE in Wicomico County?
John Palmer. Delmar Md.

5 thoughts on “A Viewer Writes: Wicomico County Future”

  1. I’ve NEVER wanted the executive form of government! I’m old and can remember how our councilmen worked together and got things done amicably.

  2. Mr. Palmer seems to miss two major points.
    1. The per-pupil amount of spending has increased year after year.
    2. More money does not equate to higher quality of education and test scores. If it did, the results would be reflected in state testing scores.

    The millionaires and billionaires of today, didn’t have the schools and technology of today and they were successful. Focus must be on general academics.

  3. giving a 1.5 million dollar tax break to a contractor ….
    That is not the only problem in both the county and city. It is the developers, contractors and builders that have the city and county counsel wrapped around their figures. It seems like what ever they want, they will get with the notion of ” if we build it, they will come “

    1. The scumbag developers are the one’s behind the County Executive’s moves to give local elites more free money…her and that POS Mike Dunn….

  4. This is all great except – Did you know, the “Bypass” before it was built and planned, someone had inside info on the land? Did you know that person bought a lot of the land and sold it back to state? Did you know, the New Firehouse land was deemed condemned? Did you know that land was purchased and sold back to the city for more?

    That is at a local level – lets discuss Federal Level. – BILLIONS to Ukraine – how much is REALLY used?
    2 Trillion dollars LOST before 911 – did they ever find it? No amazingly enough – a plane crashed right where all the investigation was being done.

    The ONLY way to stop this – Audit – Audit – Audit ALL politicians with a microscope and their families. Politicians. Previous and past members – where did they make the money? ALL this is about money. IF YOU think for 1 sec our Government cares about us – in any level – you are mistaken and still thinking its 1970

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