Though Democrats are endlessly prattling on about “norms” and “democracy,” it is often unclear what aspects of the constitutional order they actually support.
This week, for example, Vice President Kamala Harris reiterated her support for suspending the legislative filibuster so that Democrats, should they eke out a slim Senate majority, can overturn thousands of state laws and force the entire country to legalize taxpayer-subsidized, late-term abortions on demand.
It is, of course, true that the filibuster isn’t in the Constitution. In many ways, however, it is one of the last remaining tools upholding a semblance of constitutional order.
Harry Reid ditched it for judicial nominations and it came back to bite them biggly!
People who are voting for Trump need to go and early vote. Dan Bongino is urging to vote early and to broadcast it on Facebook,instagram, twitter and everywhere you can.
Because the the internet could mysteriously go down on election day.
And use paper ballots!