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A Viewer Writes: Salisbury Haitian population

Prior to O’BIDEN & Camel Toe Harris taking over , Salisbury had a population of 300 Haitans.
Because of the border Crisis Salisbury population has grown to  7,000 Haitians.
More interesting is the Car Store is assisting in their rentals, and sponsoring the Haitians in Mortgages.
Is the car store that desperate for business?
The fabric of our Nation and Salisbury are coming apart because of the border crossings. Crime is through the roof.
Those who aid and obet them should be charged with Treason against the United States.
Trump 2024 and let’s deport.

14 thoughts on “A Viewer Writes: Salisbury Haitian population”

  1. I think that 700 figure is a bit low. Supposedly, in 2017 there were 1967 and now there are 2324. I have also heard that 7,000 figure more than a few times. A very reliable source has confirmed that between Fri.-Sun., flights are coming into the airport after midnight. Who is on those flights is anyone’s guess. I understand the situation in Haiti and that this is some sort of Temporary Protective Status, but you just can’t overwhelm an area the size of Salisbury with a foreign population in need of housing, social services, medical care and education, etc. We are already struggling with these needs for our current residents. Something has got to give. Thank you, Joe, for bringing this situation to light! – Longtime reader.

  2. Are these numbers real? How are they all getting here? Where are they working? Anything to do with the poultry industry?

  3. Everything Wilgus is involved with preys on the less fortunate. Whether it be mortgages they know people can’t pay, or the pay day loans to the pawn shops. They profess to be Christians. haha

  4. The US government has been corrupt for many years. Under the Obama and Biden administrations the corruption reached the pinnacle. I attempt to remain optimistic but I do not believe the US will ever recover from the damage they have done. They have allowed criminal invaders to freely enter our country without any prosecution. They expect US citizens to openly welcome and support these same criminal invaders, the majority of whom offer little, if any substantial benefit to the US. Will someone who attends the Wicomico County Council meetings please ask who is paying the tuition at WorWic Community College for the many Haitians attending English language classes there? It’s truly disgusting and frustrating to learn of the handouts, when honest, hard working Americans are struggling.

  5. To add to this…wicomico county is going to be redistricting schools in 2025…literally right in the middle of the school year starting in Jan/Feb of 2025. Some schools are over capacity and it’s not hard to figure out why, considering the amount of non-English speakers ping students that have been enrolled over the last couple of years. So we as taxpayers will be footing the bill for illegals to go to school, and quite possibly have our kids sent to a different school. If mine are moved they will be home schooled. Period. We moved to get them into the schools in the county that aren’t blood baths.

  6. That’s what happens when a handful of people control 70% of the housing in the city limits.

    Government pays more money to rent to them.

    There was probably a sign up sheet for landlords who jumped on the opportunity.

    1. And I wonder how the locals, who have been waiting on the list for subsidized housing, will like it when they put these illegals at the head of the line? That is exactly what was done in Springfield, Ohio.

  7. A Social Worker friend of mine said that a BUS A DAY full of Haitians are being dropped off in downtown Salisbury. She also knows a woman who was stopped in her car, then a Haitian IN FRONT OF HER deliberately backed up, hitting her car…then another carload pulled up. got out and jumped in the Haitians car, then all said they had INJIRUES to try to scam insurance company by saying the innocent woman ran into their car!!! BE WARY of this scam!!! One actually backed into a trooper, then claimed THEY were hit from behind…the dash cam showed otherwise…

  8. Lot of allegations here Joe, flights arriving after midnight at the Airport, busses turning up daily in the Berry, and somehow it appears to me there is a lot of Creole speaking at the local Walmart. We are asking you to tell us what’s going on because none of the local media will touch this, myself I am afraid to say anything publicly in fear of being labeled xenophobic or at the very least resist.
    Say it ain’t so, Joe.

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