In the 1960s, activists on campuses often asked, “What if they gave a war and nobody came?”
Social justice warriors today may soon be asking the same question, as more and more young people shun higher education.
Trust in higher education is plummeting to record lows. According to Gallup, confidence in universities fell to 36% in 2023, down from 57% in 2015. Not surprisingly, given the growing viewpoint intolerance on our campuses, the largest drops are among Republicans and independents.
There has been a precipitous decline in enrollments across the country. From 2010 to 2021, enrollments fell from roughly 18.1 million students to about 15.4 million.
There are various contributors to the drop, from falling birthrates to poor economic times. However, there is also an increasing view of higher education as an academic echo chamber for far-left agendas. For many, there is little appeal in going to campuses where you are expected to self-censor and professors reject your values as part of their lesson plans.
Trade positions are an American need and have been around forever.
Internet/data centers are not.
Data does show 6 figure College debt has become an American economic disaster with those in debt not getting married, not having kids and not buying homes.
Long term not good.
Sooner or later the parasites devour the hosts…