
DelMarVa’s Premier Source for Conservative News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest

Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349

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Salisbury News Celebrates Our 20th Year

Yes, it was 20 years ago I started Salisbury News, ( September 2004. With more then 120,000,000 hits, (NOT followers) we continue to be one of the biggest, (if not the biggest) news source on the Shore.

It seems everyone spews out all kinds of numbers, “Delmarva’s News Leader”, “130,000 followers” or whatever other BS number people want to put out there, we all work hard every day to deliver you news and information. Our difference is that we deliver news and information your local liberal news won’t.

Then there’s the other sources that have become a local Soap Opera, I don’t like you so I’m going to cut you off for good crap. They lie, mislead, get caught and then actually come back for “second chances”. Oh come on, grow up, (or grow a pair). I read a story yesterday where one blogger said they wanted all the people they cut off to come back and when some commenters attempted to say how they felt the blogger once again threatened to cut them off and forever remove them from his site.

As for me, I am one sided and I’ve never shied away from that. I am a conservative republican and I have rules. No cursing, no personal attacks, no capitol letters, you know the drill. If you want to be fair, honest and not try throwing others under the bus, comment away. We are not a Soap Opera here. We do not have our site refresh every 15 seconds to make it look like we get more visitors.

After 20 years of doing this I can tell you who is telling the truth and who is not. I’ve experienced all the anti Albero blogs for decades and have watched them give up and disappear. I have had over 50 criminal Peace Orders and even three lawsuits filed against me, all of which I won. Local elected officials tried to shut me down with these peace orders and lawsuits, all false charges proven false in court.

So what does the future hold for SBYNews. As you know by now I own the Route 346 Emporium in Parsonsburg as well. I used to own Caribbean Joe’s at the Alamo and still continued to deliver the news 365 days a year.  For now I will continue to do the same. I will not sell out to a liberal organization. I will continue to support Donald Trump and JD Vance. Finally, will I get back to delivering local news, yes and no. It should be noted that the County Executive never offered me a scanner. I have no interest in spreading hearsay. However, I do have incredible contacts locally and I have been asked numerous times, (especially recently) to come back and start spreading such information to give the “other side”. I will consider it and I will keep you posted.

I thank all of you for the decades of support. Stay tuned as things might get juicy once again.

13 thoughts on “Salisbury News Celebrates Our 20th Year”

    1. I block you because you always use capitol letters. Once you learned I refuse to publish it, (after many complaints from viewers) you now use capitol letters on the first letter of each word. The fact that you keep playing your games with me and everyone else I simply junk your messages. You can change your ip address over and over again but it’s easy to notice it is only you playing games. In fact I think you have mental issues trying to post up to 40 comments a day, every single day. Mind you, I’ve never removed you completely, like the other blog admits to constantly doing. Perhaps one day you will grow up and attempt to be normal. Write your comments in a normal fashion and they will get published.

    2. I have been coming here for at least 18 years, since his days. Do all my comments get published? No, but most of them do. I commented twice on ESU. The second time he banned/blocked me for calling him out on his oversized ego. The guy is narcissistic in my opinion.

  1. And I am proud to say I was there 20 years ago when you and the attorney (can’t remember his name) met with Barrie Tilghman in her office to hear the “BarrieSpeak” as you called it. If you remember I was sitting behind Brenda Colgrove, the City Clerk, as Barrie made her pronouncements. It was 20 years ago and I now live 1,000 miles away in a different state but I still follow you.

  2. Joe, good to hear from you personally. You nailed it with your observations as to these other sites…especially the pouting that goes on from Eastern Shore Undercover…Elmer really doesn’t like people disturbing the play sand in his sandbox! I would applaud any move you make in terms of getting more ‘local’ items on here, miss those big time. Keep it coming!

    1. Hits are how many times your page is viewed.
      Followers don’t necessarily view your page or posts.

      Hits = views is a verifiable statistic

      Followers are meaningless, especially on fb.
      I follow page that I never see a post.

  3. I don’t understand someone promoting their self importance to the community, and then taking hours of your broadcasting day off to record a podcast or radio show that recycles the same ” I am a victim topic”.

    That’s not providing community service, thats solely self promotion for $$.

    Tragedy for dollars.

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