
DelMarVa’s Premier Source for Conservative News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest

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10 thoughts on “This Is A Must Watch Video”

  1. I’m very disappointed in Heather Lankford. If she is the Christian that she claims to be, she should remember Exodus 23:1 and Proverbs 13:20.

  2. I once voted for a County Executive for Wicomico County, but later this year will be voting against it. Since the inception it has been an utter and total failure, especially so under Julie Giordano. I voted for her; however, I can say without any hesitation that she is absolutely the worst person to fill that position. She and all her staff need to go. It’s a horror show.

  3. I will voting “For” Question A this election for the many reasons…the biggest being that, as this situation shows… is a direct threat to local citizens FREE SPEECH…..

  4. I wasn’t going to bother looking at this 1/2 hr video, but was bored this morning and decided to check it out for a few minutes. Damn I’m glad this kind of information is being posted for the public to see and hear. Everyone in Wicomico County should be aware of the actions of these elected and appointed officials. I am very disturbed by such petty complaints and childish action when someone refuses to accept true facts, and then has the gull to file legal charges against a false and bogus act of simply placing a piece of paper in someone’s lap or hand. Assault, come on, really? Charges never should have been allowed. Counter charges must be filed to compensate the defendant for legal fees, etc. I’m so glad I took the time this morning to watch this Open Agenda video and become more informed of what some of our crooked county officials are doing behind our back. Joe Albero, thank you posting this information by Open Agenda allowing the public to view and realize what we have elected as a county executive and who she has appointed. Please continue to post these OA videos. And thank you Joe White for this very informative video, looking forward to more. This most certainly is a “Must View”

  5. I’m glad the truth is finally getting out there. The office of County Executive holds too much power. If Heather Lankford gets to keep her job after all this then that will be telling! Vote YES for Question A!!!

  6. I took time to watch the entire video. I don’t have cable so don’t see PAC 14 anymore. Wasn’t aware they were youtubing. Just some segments or entire shows?

    I had concerns about the Executive format at the start but let’s recall that overbearing, self-interested, unresponsive County Councils laid the groundwork for the Charter vote and the Executive position.
    The council then had a well paid, unelected Administrator who did their bidding. If the council president and those supporting him succeed in abolishing the executive position we’ll be back where we started from. There will be an appointed crony Administrator responsive to council only who’s able to tell citizens to ‘kiss off’. That will be a mistake it will take decades to reverse.

    I strongly believe it’s necessary to make a distinction between the need for the Executive role as one answerable to the voters for managing the county day to day, and over the long haul VERSUS happiness or displeasure with some or all of the actions of the current executive. Many have great unhappiness with the current manager in DC but nobody wants to put Chuck Schumer in charge (except Chuck).

    I voted for Julie twice but her handling of the Jeep event and the radio boondoggle are self inflicted wounds. I suppose her subordinate could have filed the peace order without notifying her but what are the odds? She’ll have to face the voters in 2 years and she’ll have to make the case for her retention between now and then.

    Overall, this is not an impressive Council; some have personal agendas or dramatically different political goals and have been at odds with the executive from the beginning; she contributed to this with some initial miscues. In the long haul it’s more to her advantage to build bridges and to make her case to the public.

    To sum: We get a chance to keep or change the Executive every 4 years; we shouldn’t give that power away to the council power brokers. They screwed us before which led to the Charter, and their council generated power grab with this amendment is clear intent to screw us again.

    Vote against the Amendment for your long term benefit.

    1. I disagree for several reasons…fundamentally our County designed the most broad Executive position in the entire state and it shows…20 years of dysfunction compared to relative bigger accomplishments in the past….nevermind the fact that this this County Executive and frankly all the others wanted to get rid of the revenue cap (RAISE TAXES). As you said, Giordano is the indeed the most corrupt, worst kind of abuser in this position but she is only able to do what she is doing because this flawed, increasingly expensive government position exists…I voted in favor of this form of government back in 2004 but it seems that 20 years of bad results is enough. Vote “FOR” the charter amendment and lets get back to a little bit of sanity in the county.

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