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Signs proposed to protect and control Ocean Pines duck and geese populations

Submitted- Display on electric sign.jpg

An example of a geese and duck crossing sign proposed for Ocean Pines is pictured.

The Ocean Pines Association and the Environment and Natural Assets Committee are working to control the neighborhood’s geese and duck population.

Earlier this year, the advisory group submitted a charging document to request the purchase of yellow sandwich outdoor A-frames that read “geese duck crossing.” The committee hoped the signs would indicate to drivers where there are often traffic holdups due to the birds’ search for food.

Most of the banners were positioned around the community’s South Gate.

“Sudden stops could potentially lead to rear-end collisions,” ENAC board liaison Jeff Heavner said. “Road crossings become very frequent following the spring breeding season and the arrival of goslings. This action was also meant to protect the geese and ducks from being struck by vehicles.”

“You can imagine that it can be very emotional to accidentally hit, injure, or kill a goose or duck,” he added.


1 thought on “Signs proposed to protect and control Ocean Pines duck and geese populations”

  1. Oh please – didn’t Ocean Pines euthanize a whole bunch of geese a few years back, then said they would donate the geese to food shelters, until somebody spoke up and said that the poison used to euthanize the geese would also euthanize people. Now they want to ‘Save the Geese”? – Seems to me that people in OP have way too much time on their hands.

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