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I’m Sorry, What? Secret Service Agent Abandoned Post at Trump NC Event to Breastfeed

I feel the need to begin this with a caveat: I’m a mom and I was a working mom when my daughter was an infant. So, I have a fair amount of empathy for moms who are doing their best to juggle working and mothering, and I recognize that sometimes, that may mean being creative and resourceful, particularly when it comes to breastfeeding because babies (and breasts) don’t operate on the same timetable as most jobs. What that doesn’t mean is: failing to do your job, failing to communicate and confirm you have permission to step away (if need be) before doing so, or abandoning your post when you’re tasked with guarding the lives and safety of others.

What, you may wonder, prompted me to share this? Well, this incredibly mindboggling story broken by Susan Crabtree of RealClearPolitics:


3 thoughts on “I’m Sorry, What? Secret Service Agent Abandoned Post at Trump NC Event to Breastfeed”

  1. I can’t come up with the words to express my feeling on the lack of discipline by the secret service. They clearly don’t care if Donald Trump gets assassinated. It’s almost as if they are providing the opportunity to eliminate him permanently.

  2. I’m a mom too, I also breastfed my kids. She should absolutely not have been assigned to that task. It’s total bs what they are doing to him. This was planned out. There are some dedicated and talented women out there who could this job but they are rare. This DEI hire crap hurts all of us. Straight up “weaponed incompetence” and they are going to claim it’s sexist to complain about it. He is definitely getting my vote.
    Girls please tell me you aren’t buying this crap?

  3. Something terribly wrong here. The agent should be fired. Period.
    She left her post w/o notification, and it’s clear she conspired to get unscreened family members past security and into a secure area, not tp mention smuggling the infant in. Politicians like to be pictured with babies but don’t expect SS to provide the infant.

    SS will hide behind the standard ‘personnel matter’ which all know is BS.

    Nursing a baby is a natural function and more new moms show make the effort. This mom worked for the Feds and has lots of leave time of various sorts. My ex worked for a Fed agency 45 years ago when our first child was born This was before FMLA. She banked sick and vacation time so she could be off work with pay for 6 months. She was a fairly new employee at the time so didn’t years to generate accruals. 3 1/2 years later did the same thing with our second child. So this reckless agent had lots of ways to have time with a newborn, or however old the kid was.

    Why all the subterfuge by the agent? Clearly she knew that bringing her kid to work wouldn’t be approved, and they wouldn’t tell Trump to circle the airfield until Agent X was done and had tucked her equipment away!

    Let the Acting Director decide: He goes or she goes.

    And recall, this comes directly after the assassination attempt.

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