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Kamala Harris played a key role in California’s crime catastrophe — voters should be very worried

If what Kamala Harris helped do to California is an indication of what she’d do to the nation, voters should be very, very worried.

As state attorney general from 2011 to 2017, Harris refused to take a position on two ballot initiatives that have come to define modern California — but her office wrote favorable descriptions for both, likely aiding their passage.

Proposition 47 downgraded felony thefts to misdemeanors when the stolen property had a value of less than $950.

Critics have blamed it for the binge shoplifting that has followed — forcing retailers to lock up their inventory or even give up and close stores that can’t stay in business because they’re constantly being looted.

Proposition 57, meanwhile, allowed the early parole of some inmates to reduce the prison population, introducing violent offenders back into society after serving only half of their sentences.


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