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Do You Regret Getting the Jab?

10 thoughts on “Do You Regret Getting the Jab?”

  1. If, by “the jab” you mean the Covid vaccination, then I am so grateful that I was able to be protected by it. I had family members who died from that pandemic. The vaccination was a miraculous gift from our great medical scientists. Sure, some of us still caught the illness, but our survival rates were fantastic compared to the anti-vax idiots.

    1. First and foremost, getting the jab should be a PERSONAL choice, and calling people that chose not to get the jab is ignorant as hell. I chose NOT to. Name calling is for children. Survival rates were also fantastic for the people who did NOT get the jab. I also know people who died…from complication from getting the jab. Family member of mine with NO history of heart issues all the sudden does…a 32 year old that is friend of the family had to be taken to hospital for heart history of heart problems, until getting every jab and booster…I have several other examples, including 2 brothers that dropped dead after being vaccinated…I am sorry for you losses, but I have to say I have always been, let’s say, slightly skeptical of the REAL number of covid deaths…hospitals were getting PAID $15,000 for each covid death that happened within their walls. I read quite a few death certificates due to my employment, and the ones that were chalked up to a covid death very often also had multiple other ailments, any of which causes death. Including GUNSHOT wounds, yet they were listed as a covid death. If it was a car accident, and they happened to test positive for covid-the “cause” of death was-you guessed it-covid. I am certainly not saying covid did kill many, it did-but the real numbers are very suspect.

    2. hahahahahaha im one of those idiots and Im still living but I do know alot of people that got the jab and died , you really dont know what you are talking about even the companies that made it says its bad

    3. Let’s see what your long term survival rates are. Heart attacks, turbo cancers and dementia are on the horizon. Good luck fool.

    4. Showing results for how long does it take for FDA to approve a vaccine
      Search instead for how long does it take for FDA to approve a vaccsine

      Typical Timeline. A typical vaccine development timeline takes 5 to 10 years, and sometimes longer, to assess whether the vaccine is safe and efficacious in clinical trials, complete the regulatory approval processes, and manufacture sufficient quantity of vaccine doses for widespread distribution.
      And how long did it take to produce this ” vaccine ” ? 12 months -18 months maybe.
      up until covid 19, the fasted a vaccine was developed was for the mumps in 1967 and it took 4 years.

    5. Keep drinking that kool-aid 11:07. Haven’t you read about all the young athletes and also non-athletes, as well as actors and artist that have died in the past few years from heart attacks and blood clots after getting the bogus covid vaccination? The government will protect you. Lol

  2. I didn’t get it and I thank God every day that I was smart enough not to get it. I can’t believe they are still pushing that poison.

  3. lmao! you really want to trust the people in charge of this country/government with your families lives? When this government says they are looking our for you, just remember what they did for the american indian!
    put your faith in God, not men!

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