Democrats just revealed their true, sick political nature with their cynical push to remake the Supreme Court.
Indeed, they showed just how far they’re willing to go to take down Donald Trump and win an election.
And that they are the real threat to democracy and America’s political system.
The plan, rolled out by President Biden and Veep Kamala Harris, would impose 18-year term limits on justices, essentially, a plan to pack the court with liberals.
They’d subject justices to a code of conduct you can bet will be used similarly against justices they dislike.
Plus, they want more limits on presidential immunity after the Supreme Court reminded them that, under the Constitution, presidents cannot be charged with crimes for official actions they take while in office.
Relax. Never gonna happen. Educate yourself on what it takes to change this process, and it’s impossible. Just blowing smoke for votes in a desperate attempt to do ANYTHING they can.
Won’t matter – Trump will bury them and move right along to kill off the rest of this nonsense.
FDR tried the same thing, and he was black marked