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‘Good Morning, General’ – Intern From Kamala Harris’ Attorney General Days Shares Eye-Opening Stories

There have been reports for years that Vice President Kamala Harris is a terrible boss, leading to a huge percentage of staff turnover and millions of taxpayer dollars spent to settle sexual harassment and hostile work environment lawsuits. Now, RedState has uncovered a 2019 editorial from a small community newspaper in Northern California in which the father of one of Harris’ former interns shared four episodes from his son’s monthlong internship in Harris’ office when she was California’s Attorney General, and they’re like nothing you’ve heard before in the “terrible bosses” file.

I was tipped off to the post late Sunday as I was in flight from Minneapolis to Las Vegas and was so stunned that rather than waiting until I got to my destination and could write up something here at RedState (and take the chance that the column would be memory-holed in the meantime), I tweeted a few screenshots and a brief summary.

As I said in the tweet, the author of the column, Terry McAteer, is a Democrat from a family that’s been politically involved for generations. His son, Gregory, wanted to intern with then-Sen. Dianne Feinstein in the summer of 2011; her office couldn’t start him in June but said Harris’ office had an intern slot available for that month. So, off to Harris’ office Gregory went. His LinkedIn page lists both experiences:


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