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Kamala Harris, female messiah?

The entire federal government apparatus, made-up largely of Democrats, uses taxpayer money to attack its political opponents and retain and enhance its power. The larger the government gets, the larger it wants to be. And too many people are either on the government dole or are too stupid to notice or care.

This is why it is so dangerous for Republicans, and Trump supporters in specific, to be overconfident about the upcoming election.

Democrats, being maniacally power-besotted and grotesquely evil, no doubt have tricks up their sleeve as regards the upcoming presidential election. They have not openly imported 10 million illegal undocumented immigrants for no reason. And they “harvest” ballots like a farmer harvests corn, though the farmer at least knows from whence the corn came.

As recently as a few weeks ago, some Democrats—and their human remoras that make up the mainstream media (emphasis on make up)—were claiming that President Biden was in tip-top shape, vigorous and virile, focused and sharp as the proverbial tack. The White House doctor claimed Biden was “healthy, active, robust.” Age had nothing on Biden and was an arbitrary and moot issue! However, once top Democrats realized that a Biden victory would be so preposterous (after his debate performance) as to arouse suspicion even among the dullest of Americans, he was issued an ultimatum and forced to quit his campaign…and the media was given its updated talking points. At which time it turned on Biden like Michael Moore on a Whopper with cheese.

And started claiming that Trump was too old to be president.

When Democrat power brokers decided to go all in on Kamala Harris, another set of talking points went out to the Enemies of the People, who dutifully—and instantaneously—rallied as one, parroting the new pro-Kamala line. And presto, the once utterly ineffective and vacuous giggler was suddenly unburdened by her own past!

In the eyes of the media, Kamala Harris is now the most gifted, compelling, and beatific woman ever to grace the planet. She is nothing less than a female messiah. To besmirch the Lightbringer 2.0 in any way, shape, or form would be an assault on all things decent and beautiful. (Thus endeth the media’s reading.)


4 thoughts on “Kamala Harris, female messiah?”

  1. The media is setting up the election fraud for Harris.

    She is being promoted as a guiltless politician and a VERY popular one at that, so when the democrats find a million votes 4 days after the election in a van parked behind an abandoned building, her “victory” won’t be from fraud. It will be because, even though she couldn’t get even 1% of the vote the last time she ran for President, her popularity became so overwhelming, it was inevitable.
    ALL the liberal media does these days, other than their lead “Trump is evil”, “Trump threatens the very fabic of our democracy”, or “Trump is dangerous”, is to tell us what great and wonderful achievements Harris has accomplished.
    It is NOT their job to promote their personal selection of a candidate.
    Would someone please tell them that???
    We are already being played.

    1. Exactly what is going on. They did with the hildabeast but couldn’t quite get her over the finish line. They did it with hussien abomanation’s second coronation. Then there was pedo Peter. The commies have been rigging selections for decades. When they pull it off they can say “the polls said it was gonna be close.”

  2. 1:33
    When the luciferians control the narrative
    and have useful idiots basically planted in the “system”
    Expect another steal.but….this time it will be an attempt!!

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