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WAYNE ROOT: Nobody Can Be This Dumb. Not Even DEI Hires are This Dumb. Something Smells Rotten at The Secret Service

This YouTube screen shot shows Secret Service director Kim Cheatle during an interview.
This YouTube screen shot shows Secret Service director Kim Cheatle during an interview. (WQAD News 8 / YouTube Screen Shot)

By Wayne Allyn Root

I’ve always known many government employees are dumb as a box of rocks. They couldn’t last a week in the private sector. That’s why they look for the safety of government jobs- where you can be completely 100% incompetent for 20+ years and keep your job.

Exhibit A is Kamala Harris. She is even dumber than her boss Joe Biden. But he has dementia. What’s her excuse? She is just plain dumb as a doorknob.

Kamala has gotten a government paycheck her entire life based on being a woman, and black, and having affairs with powerful men. And it worked- she rose to Vice President of the United States despite being completely incompetent. Now she’s literally a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

Kamala is the “Great Replacement Theory” for Joe Biden.


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