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Trump-shaped GOP platform: Rx for economic boom in wake of Biden disasters

In 2016, Donald Trump reshaped the Republican Party, aligning it more with the views of everyday Americans; the party platform finalized Monday — heavily influenced by Trump himself, complete with lots of capital letters — clearly reflects that shift.

Most important, it lays out a path to ensure prosperity and undo the worst damage of the Biden era, including ending inflation.

Where Democrats vow tax hikes, the GOP calls for securing the Trump cuts (which triggered record job growth and working-class wage gains), and for new working-class tax cuts, including an end to taxing tips — plus a rollback of job-destroying regulations.

It also rejects other Biden job-killers, aiming to make America again the world’s top energy producer and canceling insane electric-vehicle mandates.

Omitted, meanwhile, are past GOP calls to amend the Constitution to say life begins at conception; instead, it makes just one reference to abortion, committing the party to “a Vote of the People, from within the States, on the Issue of Life.”

Wise: Democrats aim to depict Trump and the GOP as seeking to deny all women any right to end a pregnancy.


1 thought on “Trump-shaped GOP platform: Rx for economic boom in wake of Biden disasters”

  1. Verify job requirements and qualifications for all positions within the Federal Government. Get rid of the mismatches!
    Get rid of the Deputys and Assistants in the Federal Government!
    Vet every Civil Servant with “Supervisory-Authority”!
    Get rid of USAJobs for Federal hiring.
    Eliminate the internal advantage for civil servants to transfer and get promoted – Peter Principle!
    Make every federal job “Direct-Hire”!

    Rescind all rules and policies that don’t have congressional legislation to cause them – SCOTUS hinted at that with the Chevron decision!

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