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Wicomico County Executive Julie Giordano Announces a Press Conference

July 1, 2024, 4:30 PM Front Steps of Government Office Building

The County Executive, Julie Giordano, has called a Press Conference to be held Monday, July 1, 2024 at 4:30 PM on the front steps of the Government Office Building.

She will be announcing the repeal of the alcohol monopoly in Wicomico County. It has been a long time coming but will be an economic boost to our locally owned restaurants and the franchises also.

10 thoughts on “Wicomico County Executive Julie Giordano Announces a Press Conference”

  1. It will still be cheaper to go across the DE line.
    The sales tax and the special alcohol tax are still the impediments!

    1. Same with cigarettes. Maryland is talking about raising the tax on a pack by 5 dollars. Heck, I can buy a pack in Delmar for less than $6. #MARYLANDISCLOSEDFORBUSINESS!

      1. The last two times Maryland raised the cigarette tax revenues went down sharply. There are no places in Maryland more than a 40 minute drive to another state with cheaper smokes.

  2. As I said before 8:05, businesses are not allowed by law to go across state lines to buy liquor. The bottle must have the local jurisdiction stamp on it to be “served” to customers in wicomico county. The county executive is trying to change the law evolving citizens buying liquor for personal consumption.

    1. Evolving or involving? Are you saying the CE is trying to change the law for personal consumption? In which way? To prohibit private citizens from going to DE to buy liquor/anything?

  3. Julie is just paying back the same good old boys who own the big bars that contributed to her campaign….

  4. All they have done is helped the top 10% of restaurants who can buy direct. Small restaurants be forced to buy cases from distributors in order to get reasonable pricing and will have a hard time getting high-end bourbons & tequilas

  5. MD still mindless when it comes to business. Old rules on alcohol, continuing to squeeze the revenue stream of cigs from the minority of buyers..same buyers who go elsewhere for hooch and cigs. Trying to make people stop smoking by raising the tax doesn’t make them stop and still taking their money. And these peeps are constantly voted back into office.

    Delaware a very tax friendly state and love MD money!

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