You can hardly look at the news ANY DAY without at least one story about THE NEW H5N1 BIRD FLU.
Just today, here’s the story, Finland’s Going to Start Vaccinating Humans for this Newest Panic Porn to anyone “exposed to animals“.
Never mind that Finland has had ZERO reported H5N1 “infections” !!!
And of course never mind the WHO claimed a human death in Mexico that NEVER HAPPENED !!!
Hold on to your hats folks.
Here comes the Next Planned Scam-demic where they’re claiming this, “bird flu mortality will likely be ‘somewhere between 25 and 50 per cent!“
These blatant fear mongers are out to get us to fear this bogus bug (also see HERE) they claim is being spread by Cattle, Alpacas , Polar Bears, Dolphins and Cats…as well as Virtually ALL OTHER ANIMALS.