Disturbing details have surfaced on who was the mastermind in corrupting the January 6th Committee. In the wake of the January 6th Capitol riot, the establishment of the House Select Committee to Investigate the attack was billed as a nonpartisan effort to uncover the truth.
According to reports by Washington Times on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, the diligent efforts of Representative Barry Loudermilk and his team on the House Administration Committee have shed light on a disturbing reality – the Jan. 6 committee operated far outside the bounds of legitimacy.
The evidence uncovered by Mr. Loudermilk, a Georgia Republican, paints a picture of a committee plagued by partisan agendas, ethical violations, and a blatant disregard for due process. At the heart of this politicization was then-Representative Liz Cheney, whose actions tainted the committee’s credibility from the outset.
The process through which the Jan. 6 committee was established raised serious concerns about its integrity. Speaker Nancy Pelosi handpicked all committee members, ignoring calls for genuine bipartisanship. The rushed formation of the committee, coupled with the exclusion of Republicans recommended by then-leader Kevin McCarthy, underscored its partisan nature.