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“25% of 1.9 Million Votes Confirmed to Have No Signature Match” Whistleblower Message Stuns America

Startling findings have emerged from the Arizona Senate Audit, revealing that a quarter of the 1.9 million votes analyzed do not have matching signatures.

This development is sparking widespread concern about the validity of the ballots under scrutiny.

This revelation, which has stunned Americans across the nation, calls into question the integrity of the electoral process and raises significant concerns about voter fraud.


3 thoughts on ““25% of 1.9 Million Votes Confirmed to Have No Signature Match” Whistleblower Message Stuns America”

  1. Take a look at India…now considered a “developing nation. Not only do they require ID, but they dip your finger in ink so you can’t cheat and vote again. Every time I vote, I pull out my ID…the liberals shrink from it like it was a cross shown to a vampire…I always ask how do they KNOW that I am ME. My son who had lived out of state for many years was still on the voter rolls in Maryland, despite having registered to vote in another state. My husband could probably have voted twice since they have the same name! Now they are giving illegals flyers at the migrant services center near Brownsville, Texas, that tell illegal aliens: “Reminder to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States.” So much for election integrity! We are doomed. They will never let Trump be President.

    1. obiden sealed his fate last night in the debate. Everyone that watched now knows he’s a loser. Even cnn and mbc couldn’t get over his inability. The dems are really scared now and shaking all over knowing he must be replaced before the convention. Only one happy about the debate was gavin newson. He thinks he might slide right in there to take obidens place. If he were lucky enough to have that happen, he still has a huge block in front of success, Donald Trump !!!!
      MAGA 2024 !!!!

  2. Biden said it early on, that they had the most extensive voter fraud mechanisms in history.
    The pipers need to be outed and paid.

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