The more opponents he faces, the bigger former President Donald Trump’s margin over President Joe Biden becomes.
That’s the bottom line of a new Rasmussen Reports poll that says if likely voters are as enthusiastic when it is time to vote as they were June 20 when the poll was taken, Trump could hit landslide territory with a double-digit victory over Biden.
The last president to have a double-digit margin over his opponent was former President Ronald Reagan in 1984, when he had an 18.2 percent edge over Democrat Walter Mondale in the popular vote, according to the American Presidency Project.
The Rasmussen poll said in a two-man race, Trump would beat Biden 49 percent to 40 percent.
When Green Party candidate Jill Stein and independents Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornell West were added, Trump had a 10-point lead over Biden, 46 percent to 36 percent.
Kennedy has been sent in to take votes away from Or Trump
Kennedy will be taking votes from democrats that know obiden has lost his mind 10:16. You couldn’t pay them to vote for a republican, they just can’t do it, even to save our country.
We can only hope. The same thing was said in 2020 and we all now how that turned out.