I know the honeymoon will end at some point, whether next week or if Trump wins the 2024 election. Still, Bill Maher shredding liberal talking points and hearing the deafening silence from his audience as he rails against the gross incompetence of this administration, albeit indirectly, is worth it.
Also, who are these people—former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Maher were both torching liberals and the issues that formed their raison d’être. The Russian collusion hoax, while still salient in the minds of the Left, isn’t as high-pitched. It’s abortion, Trump is evil, and open borders forever.
Maher has warned liberals this is the issue that “could f**k them on Election Day.” Most voters have done 180-degree turns on the immigration issue; he understands why: we have criminal aliens raping and murdering our citizens nationwide. Now, a majority of Hispanics favor mass deportation of illegal aliens; 62 percent of voters support this, too. Trump has a 20-plus-point advantage over Biden on immigration matters with Latinos. The HBO host noted that the Democrats’ route of being un-racist on immigration exposes them as racists because it shows they don’t view Latinos as Americans: