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Disney Exposed? VP Admits On Hidden Camera That Company Refuses To Hire ‘White Males’

For almost a decade Disney has been on a Diveristy, Equity and Inclusion induced spiral into clown world (along with a number of major entertainment and media companies).  The shift by corporations towards promoting ideological propaganda instead of chasing profits started out subtle and has quickly escalated into a crescendo of absurdity.

Disney has become the public focus of the wokification of media for a number of reasons including the conglomerate’s massive size and global reach, but more than anything else, it used to be family favored company.  When an organization makes the virtues of family and childhood innocence its brand, any slide into degeneracy or indoctrination is going to be amplified and scrutinized.

In the past, most companies sought to remain neutral (at least in public) when it came to political affiliations and aspirations.  However, this principle has also been thrown out the window in recent years with Disney being one of the worst perpetrators of open political interference and influence; they even tried to go to war with the highly conservative state of Florida a couple years ago and that didn’t work out too well for them.

Disney’s political allegiances are clearly to the far-left. One might even argue that without companies like Disney the woke movement wouldn’t exist.  Part of this movement is the demonization of traditional western values, structures and specifically the men who built them.  That is to say, the “white man” is now persona non grata.


4 thoughts on “Disney Exposed? VP Admits On Hidden Camera That Company Refuses To Hire ‘White Males’”

  1. its not just Disney – this is the way now – wake up… And White people think its okay because we been programmed to think we caused it.

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