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Alinsky Tactics Are Very Outdated and the Left Hasn’t Caught on Yet

If you haven’t seen the rant Fox News’s Greg Gutfeld went on about the media hypocrisy around the “cheap fakes” narrative they’re trying to spread about the videos that point out Biden is a mentally deficient octogenarian who should be in a retirement home, not an Oval Office, then you should definitely watch it.

As Sister Toldjah wrote, Gutfeld slammed the press in Gutfeld fashion, pointing out how it’s carrying the “cheap fake” narrative like good little Democrat foot soldiers, yet was conspicuously absent during every hoax that was launched against Donald Trump during his presidency.

“Where were these anti-hoaxers in the ‘fine people hoax’, the ‘drinking bleach hoax’, the ‘koi pond hoax’, the ‘migrant kids in cages hoax’, the ‘border patrol migrants whipping migrants hoax’, the ‘lab leak is a conspiracy theory hoax’, the ‘Russian collusion hoax’…?”

Great monologue, but the underlying issue Gutfeld is complaining about is the left’s use of Alinsky tactics. In this case, the use of rules 4, 5, 8, and 13.

They are:

Rule 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”

Rule 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

Rule 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.”

Rule 13: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

The media’s pattern of utilizing Alinsky tactics has done it and the left a lot of good, and they’ve had quite a bit of success with it, even in recent times. The issue is that the law of undulation is absolute. Alinsky’s tactics have a shelf-life and the more they’re utilized, the more people are going to figure out what you’re doing and then find ways to fight it.


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