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US in ‘cold Civil War’: Pete Hegseth

Just like the Cold War that saw heightened tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union, the nation is entering the 2024 elections in a “cold Civil War” pushing Republicans and Democrats to verbal clashes and possibly violence, according to military expert and Fox host Pete Hegseth.

He coined the phrase as a way to draw attention to the need to depoliticize the military so that if it is called on to diffuse a civil war, both sides will view it as a nonpartisan referee.

In an interview about his latest book, The War On Warriors, Hegseth said that while he “prayed” for no election violence, he wasn’t taking any chances.

“The Left did it in 2020. They basically said if Trump wins, we’re going to riot. America is going to burn, and those same types of threats will be there,” he told us.

“There are plenty of people, myself included, who are going to make sure my family’s protected. That’s a Second Amendment right that we should have in this country,” the veteran added.


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