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Black Conservatives Gather in Detroit Ahead of Trump’s Speech at Turning Point Action’s People’s Convention

DETROIT, Michigan — Black conservatives gathered in Detroit, Michigan, on Thursday evening ahead of former President Donald Trump’s speech at Turning Point Action’s The People’s Convention.

A BLEXIT event, featuring its founders Candace Owens and Brandon Tatum as keynote speakers, took place on Thursday evening in Detroit, where black conservatives gathered to hear from conservative thought leaders, including Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk.

The event kicked off with singer-songwriter Raquita Harper performing the National Anthem while attendees stood with their hands over their hearts.

Before speakers took the stage, a video clip from President Joe Biden’s 1993 speech was presented to audience members, letting them recall a time when Biden, then a senator, warned of “predators on our streets,” adding, “We have no choice but to take them out of society” — which many viewed as commentary about the black community.

“I’m proud to tell you that over 70 percent of the BLEXIT leaders who are with us today previously thought that they identified with the left,” BLEXIT director Pierre Wilson told audience members, eliciting applause.


3 thoughts on “Black Conservatives Gather in Detroit Ahead of Trump’s Speech at Turning Point Action’s People’s Convention”

  1. I heard some of the speakers today on the radio. Get ready folks- the commies know the jig is up and will soon be getting desperate. Desperate commies are the most dangerous. WW3 will arrive just in time to shut down the next election. Count on it!

    1. United States can not participate in WW lll with the senile president or the idiotic democrats we currently have in charge. None of this world chaos would be occuring now if Donald Trump had not been cheated out of the 2020 election. If you all like this world we’re living in today, let’s have a replay of 2020. However, I will be voting for a proven leader to save our freedom and Make America Great Again

      1. We can only hope voting will be enough….Trump won last election. I don’t believe the demons will let him take office. They will cheat, lie, steal, and even kill their opponents to keep their power.

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