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Opinion: Trump’s ‘Revenge’ Needs to Be More Than Success, It Needs to Be Revenge

Donald Trump has remained steadfast in his insistence that the only form of “revenge” he will be exacting in a second term will be success.

Success equates to America’s well-being. And a thriving America equates to a decimation of the Democrat agenda.

It seems logical.

The presumptive Republican nominee made that stance crystal clear even as a malicious Democrat attorney general in New York named Letitia James extracted a $354 million fine from him over well-established real estate practices.

“I don’t care about the revenge thing. I know they usually use the word revenge. Will there be revenge?” he said at a town hall meeting in February. “My revenge will be success.”

Trump reiterated the notion even as a malicious Democrat district attorney in Alvin Bragg used a heavily weighted court and jury to secure 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in late May.

“My revenge will be success,” he said once more.

It sounds good. But is it enough?

Strange times, this country finds itself in. Where once impeachment was used in rare circumstances, Democrats found a way to weaponize it twice over mundane reasons – a phone call and a call to peacefully protest.

The Biden administration has weaponized every facet of the Justice Department to jail their political opponents.

The opposition party has made it clear they will use any means necessary and at their disposal to rid the country of conservative and/or Republican voters.

Trump needs a similar mindset on day one if he finds himself back in the White House in January 2025. The time for playing nice is over.

You can’t “drain the swamp” without actually draining the swamp that has gone after you for years. The DOJ needs a thorough, detailed cleaning. The far-left faction of the department loathes the country they work for.


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