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An interview with James Roguski on the game plan

Last month, many in the Alternatve Media and in the Health Freedom Movement celebrated when the World Health Organization’s dread Pandemic Treaty was tabled after the member states were unable to come to an agreement. People rejoiced that a treaty that would have nullified the national sovereignty of our countries had been shut down.

However, as James Roguski warned us last week, “The 77th World Health Assembly HAS adopted a substantial package of amendments to the International Health Regulations. We the People have suffered a stunning defeat.”

James joins Noor Bin Ladin’s podcast to discuss the key amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), which were adopted a few days ago in Geneva at the World Health Assembly.

Those key amendments can be found in Articles 1, 12, 13, 44 and 44bis in the document, which James urges us to read.

James says the main focus of the new amendments was to create a financial mechanism to fund and facilitate the increased manufacturing/distribution of poisonous products – and furthermore, to transform the legal status of these products into that that of a “Global Public Good” (a term coined by the Bank for International Settlements).


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