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Fauci Just Keeps Lying and Lying and Lying

Dr. Anthony Fauci — the embodiment of Science Itself, in his own mind — appeared before a House panel yesterday, his first testimony since quasi-retiring from public life.  The session arrived on the heels of several revelations, including Fauci’s apparent admission that some of the “science” we were indignantly instructed to follow by people like him was effectively made up, saying that it “sort of just appeared.”  This included the six-foot distancing guidance, as well as child masking.  Neither practice, implemented far and wide, was harmless.  The former policy wreaked havoc in all sorts of ways, especially for business owners struggling to comply with the nonsense “science” while trying to keep their doors open.  The latter policy amounted to anti-scientific cruelty to kids, whose faces were muzzled with no strong medical basis, exacerbating learning and cognitive setbacks for many.  Another recent development revealed that Fauci’s right-hand man had boasted in emails about suppressing information and bypassing legally-mandatory transparency (FOIA) requests, including via evidence destruction:


1 thought on “Fauci Just Keeps Lying and Lying and Lying”

  1. Rat Face fauci should endure the rest of his short existence in federal prison with other mass murderers.

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