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All in the Family: Hunter Biden’s ex-Wife to Join Other Close Relatives Testifying in Gun Trial

Hunter Biden’s gun trial testimony will resume Wednesday with his ex-wife Kathleen Buhle expected to be among the witnesses called to testify in Delaware; the couple were married for over 20 years.

AP reports the two have three children, divorcing in 2016 after his infidelity and drug abuse became too much to overcome, according to her memoir entitled, If We Break about the dissolution of their marriage. AP continues:

She’s one of several Biden family and friends expected to testify in a trial that has quickly become a highly personal and detailed tour of Hunter Biden’s mistakes and drug usage as the 2024 presidential election looms and allies worry about the toll it will take on the president, who is deeply concerned about the health and sustained sobriety of his only living son.

Prosecutors argue the testimony is necessary to show Hunter Biden’s state of mind when he bought the gun.

Hunter Biden is charged with one count of false statement in the purchase of a firearm, one count of possession of a firearm by a person who is an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance, and one count of false statement related to information required to be kept by a federal firearms licensed dealer.


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