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Islamic Leader Declares Muslim Domination of U.S. Politics Imminent — Vows to ‘Rule’ America from Congress to White House

Osama Siblani, a prominent Arab-American community leader and publisher, announced that Muslims are poised to take control of key political positions across the United States, including the Congress and the White House.

During his speech earlier this month at a dinner honoring former Lebanese security chief Abbas Ibrahim, who has known for ties with Hezbollah, Siblani said, “We have the best we can offer to the United States of America – not only in Michigan but across the country – and we [have] offered our best… The best is yet to come. I can be very confident to tell you that we are on the road to the White House, to Congress, to decision-making everywhere in the United States,” he said.

According to Memri TV, Siblani’s remarks referenced a historical grievance dating back 40 years when a local mayor allegedly spoke of an “Arab problem” in Dearborn. He contrasted that with today’s reality where, according to him, “The Arabs are ruling Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, and Hamtramck.”

“So, brothers and sisters, we are on the road. I am saying this because yesterday when we welcomed our brother and leader, [fmr. Lebanese security chief] Abbas Ibrahim, at the airport, he has seen and witnessed the kind of power and connections that we have,” Siblani said.


9 thoughts on “Islamic Leader Declares Muslim Domination of U.S. Politics Imminent — Vows to ‘Rule’ America from Congress to White House”

  1. And so many of you Christians still don’t want to enforce seperation of church and state. I’ve warned you over and over that this would happen. I’ve told you idiots to think about what happens when there’s a Muslim majority in a local government jurisdiction, or a state, or federally. I told you not to advocate for Christianity or any other religion in schools or government or other public venues. But you morons were too short-sighted to see the implications. Well now it may be too late. You want the bible in schools? Well how about the Koran? How about enforcing the First Amendment now you sheep?

  2. Over my dead body, because that is exactly what it’ll take. “We the people” are beyond pissed off. A revolution seems the only option we have left.

  3. This guy should do himself a favor and stay in dearborn or where ever the hell he is because that’ll NEVER happen in this lifetime. Apparently he’s ingested to much opium or whatever the hell they have over there. He can kiss my decorated combat veteran, gun toting, second amendment loving, hard working, white ass along with the “squad” or whatever those useless thieves of perfectly good oxygen call themselves. We’re tired and if there are enough of us true patriots out there enough is enough and we’re there!

  4. Islam, as a religious system, is entirely of Satanic origin. The Devil is behind every aspect of it. It is a “monotheistic” form of the ancient moon worship that Abraham left in Iraq 2000 BC, but which his descendents through Ishmael have continued. When Muslims circle the Kabah en mass, the Devil is the true object of their worship. The Bible teaches that the Devil and demons use religions like Islam in order to be worshipped by man as God. “the Gentiles sacrifice things to demons and not to God” 1 Cor 10:20; 2 Chron 18:21-22; Acts 17:16-23; Lev 17:7 ; Deut 32:17; Ps 106:37; Rev 9:20; Rev 16:13-14; Rev 18:2; 1 Ti 4:1-2; Gal 1:8. That Islam is clearly of satanic origin is seen in how vicious the theological and physical attacks are against Christians or anyone who believes that Christ was crucified at all, or that Christ is God’s Son. Islam to pagan Arabs is an excellent satanic counterfeit that has influenced 1/4 of the earth’s population. Islam is certainly the Devil’s greatest challenge against the one true God and and Saviour: Jesus Christ.

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