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Mailloux files petition to move Knupp hit-and-run case to Maryland Supreme Court

Tyler Mailloux, a local man accused in the hit-and-run death of Gavin Knupp, has petitioned the Supreme Court of Maryland to review an appellate court opinion in his case.

On April 29, Mailloux petitioned Maryland’s highest court to review an opinion from the Appellate Court of Maryland, which reversed an order from Worcester County Circuit Court to dismiss all charges against him. As he does not have the right to an automatic appeal, Mailloux is asking the Supreme Court of Maryland to review the decision.

“Petitioner, Tyler Allen Mailloux, by and through undersigned counsel and the law offices of Rice, Murtha & Psoras, LLC, petitions this Court to issue a writ of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Maryland to review that Court’s Opinion in State of Maryland v. Tyler Allen Mailloux … which reversed the Order of the Circuit Court for Worcester County which dismissed all charges against Mr. Mailloux.”

Last April, 17 traffic charges – including failure to immediately stop at the scene of an accident involving bodily injury and failure to immediately stop a vehicle at the scene of an accident involving death – were filed against Mailloux, 23, in the death of Knupp, a 14-year-old who was struck and killed by a motorist in a black Mercedes while crossing Grays Corner Road on July 11, 2022. Knupp was returning to a vehicle driven by his older sister and died from injuries sustained in the collision. Mailloux allegedly fled the scene and did not return, according to charges filed.

During a motions hearing in Worcester County Circuit Court last August, Mailloux’s attorney argued the district court had “exclusive and original jurisdiction” and that the judge should either dismiss the case or transfer it to district court. The Worcester County State’s Attorney’s Office, however, argued state statute provided exceptions allowing the case to be tried in circuit court, including that the penalty for such charges exceeded three years. Following the hearing, Judge Brett Wilson granted the defense’s motion to dismiss the case, and the matter was immediately appealed.


5 thoughts on “Mailloux files petition to move Knupp hit-and-run case to Maryland Supreme Court”

  1. Trying to buy more time. The judge that dismissed the charges was TOTLLY wrong. The appellate court issued a scathing opining saying basically that the visiting judge was an idiot. The opinion is online, and anybody can read it. I bet the appeal by these people is not even considered. I hope when they finally have a trial, they have one of the local judges hear it, or at least a different visiting judge if Worcester judges have to recuse themselves for some reason…

  2. How much is this going to cost that wealthy family? I hope they are not allowed to buy his way out of this crime. And, what about his co-conspirators that hid the car for days from investigators? Criminal charges must be brought against them.

    1. 2:26 – I feel the same way – I mean, dragging this out as long as possible is just ridiculous, and why wasn’t someone charged for hiding the car?

  3. This is so ridiculous. The victim’s family has a right to justice. This POS shold be tried and convicted.

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