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Democrats Solemnly Commemorate The Sacred Birthday Of Saint Michael Brown

Screenshot: YouTube.
Screenshot: YouTube.

By now we’re all painfully aware of how LGBT activists insist on having about 500 days on the calendar to celebrate themselves, from International Pronouns Day to Pride Month to the Transgender Day of Remembrance to my personal favorite, Gay Uncles Day. There’s clearly something pathological about all of this. But it’s also strategic at the same time. Leftists understand that to win, they have to completely flood the zone with their propaganda. They don’t want anyone have any kind of reprieve from it, even for a single day.

Unfortunately, as mind-numbing as this tactic is, it’s also effective — which is why it was never going to stop with the gender cult. And indeed, predictably, now the BLM movement is getting in on the action. They’re demanding that the death of Michael Brown — the criminal who attacked a store clerk, then charged at a police officer, punched him, and tried to take his gun — be memorialized on multiple days every single year. This was the martyr at the center of the “Hands up, don’t shoot” hoax, who kickstarted the rise of BLM.

It was less than a year ago, back in August, that I discussed all the different memorials for Michael Brown. Everyone from the city of St. Louis to the Biden administration decided to eulogize Brown on August 9th, which was the ninth anniversary of his death. That’s the big Michael Brown Day, during which we’re all supposed to pretend Michael Brown was a useful and contributing member of society. We’re also supposed to pretend that a white supremacist police officer shot him in broad daylight in cold blood.


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