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BREAKING: Court Findings Allegedly Point to Unprecedented Election Interference Claims Against Biden and FBI

A District Court has determined that the Biden Administration and the FBI violated the 1st Amendment by pressuring Big Tech firms to meddle in the election. This ruling represents a significant infringement on free speech and democracy.

This judgment follows a period of controversy and allegations of censorship and interference on social media platforms during the 2020 presidential election.

Critics have argued that platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Google unfairly targeted conservative voices, effectively stifling opposing views in the public realm.

According to a tweet posted on Tuesday, May 21, the lawsuit, filed by a group of concerned citizens and journalists, asserted that the Biden Administration and the FBI coerced Big Tech companies to censor certain political opinions, influencing the election in favor of then-candidate Joe Biden.

The court found these actions to be illegal election interference and a violation of Americans’ 1st Amendment rights.

The ramifications of this verdict are extensive and should serve as a warning to those who value free speech and open discourse. If the government can manipulate Big Tech platforms to suppress dissenting voices and mold public opinion, democracy itself is endangered.


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