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A Viewer Writes…


         The old parking lot was torn down for the fountain ⛲ they built.
           Today I drove slowly by there,  and the fountain was a community pool.
Thought I’d pass this  onto  you and your readers here.
    Daily Reader

8 thoughts on “A Viewer Writes…”

  1. Has anyone sat on the concrete benches they have at unity square? 79 degree day and you couldn’t sit on them because they were so hot. Can’t imagine a 90 degree day. Wonder what idiot made that planning decision🤔

  2. anyone who had any sense (not our so-called leaders of course) could see this coming. we need parking, duh, how do people go to businesses without a close parking spot? dumb*sses

    1. Just wait until they take the rest of that a parking lot to put a office building on it. Then where will you all park? The parking garage is already full, and especially during court day, and not all rooms in The Ross are filled so where will they park? They will wait to make a new parking garage or lot elsewhere or fix the old one, so get used to it. They cause the problem so they can fix it so you moronic salves cna praise them after. Then they want to take the old library building and give it to SU and push the library elsewhere. Like I said you can’t fix stupid.

  3. Maybe the homeless will enjoy the air conditioned splendor of the SU arts center once that is built.

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