“Trust the science” was always a stupid phrase, deployed by leftist institutions, government and the establishment media to silence opposition to the woke cause of the moment.
Whether it’s to force compliance with the concept of “climate change,” or coerce behavior in the depths of the coronavirus pandemic, the phrase has been a cudgel wielded by the powerful.
It means nothing, seeing as “science” is hardly a monolithic block of infallible knowledge, with scientists constantly disagreeing with each other in the midst of making new discoveries.
But now, with a scourge of false submissions ravaging the academic journal industry, the establishment media’s favorite phrase seemed more farcical than ever.
According to an exclusive report in The Wall Street Journal, one of the largest academic publishers in the world, Hoboken, New Jersey-based Wiley, is being forced to to shut down 19 different journals thanks to the black market industry of “paper mills” submitting thousands of fake papers.