In the recent press release issued by the Wicomico County Executive, Julie Giordano, dated April 29, 2024, she continued her all too familiar tactics of deflection and disinformation. The record must be set straight by applying law, truth and common sense.
The County Executive’s suggestion that the City of Salisbury would even remotely consider shuttering the Henry S. Parker Athletic Complex is simply preposterous. No reasonable person could actually believe that the City would, under any circumstance, deprive children of the, “…adaptive space for disabled children to play ball,” or “…get rid of the sensory trails or sensory pods” for special needs children. This unscrupulous and alarmist tactic was obviously fabricated by the County Executive to mislead the general public and distract from the simple realities that the forthcoming Safari at the Quarry off-road events are prohibited under Salisbury’s zoning code, and the public use of Henry S. Parker Athletic Complex is entirely consistent with the zoning code.
The county-owned Henry S. Parker Athletic Complex is situated within the municipal boundaries of Salisbury and is, therefore, subject to Salisbury’s zoning code. Henry S. Parker is open to the general public for the purpose of providing recreational opportunities and promoting healthy physical activities.
In other words, it serves a public purpose. As set forth in Title 17.04.040 of Salisbury’s zoning ordinance, any zoning restrictions, “…shall not apply to land, buildings or other structures owned by or leased solely to the federal government, the State of Maryland, Wicomico County, or the City of
Salisbury, provided that such land, buildings or other structures are used for a public purpose.” By its very nature, a county park with ball fields and trails is a public use and, therefore, allowed under Salisbury’s zoning code. The County Executive has raised a false flag, and in the most contemptible of
manners is using disabled children as pawns to achieve her political objectives.
Conversely, the Safari at the Quarry events to be held on county-owned property situated within the city limits serve no public purpose. The events are not being held by the county but are rather being staged by Live Wire Media, LLC, a private “for-profit” corporation. The events are limited exclusively to 4×4
owners who can afford to pay a substantial fee to this private corporate entity to participate, while all others are expressly prohibited from entering the event site at any time and for any reason. As noted above and despite Ms. Giordano’s wild assertions, the county is only exempt from complying with
Salisbury’s zoning code when a public use is involved. Insofar as the county is only leasing the event site Live Wire Media and the events are private and exclusionary, the public use litmus test has not been achieved in this district zoned for residential use. The distinction is unambiguous.
We encourage you contact the County Executive ( and express your outrage over her distortions of truth, willful efforts to mislead the public and disregard for the will of the County Council, Salisbury City Council and County residents.
It’s a sad sad situation.
A few days of Jeeps doing what jeeps do is hardly going to damage nor effect the comfort of those that reside nearby..Cmon Salisbury ease up already. IMHO your making Salisbury look like it’s filled with a communist government.
Another, and hopefully last, attempt by Mike “I like to hear myself talk” Goldberg. He can pontificate all he wants, but it will fall on deaf ears. Apart from the Shadow Hills Karens, most Wicomico residences could care less about event and can see right though Mr. Goldberg’s fire and brimstone antics.
The weather looks great for this weekend, they’ll be fun for all that attend, noise and traffic wouldn’t be of issue, the water shed will be fine, and in 2 weeks, 2 months, or next year this will be a distant memory.
Princess Julie is proving on a regular basis that we need better candidates for the Republican primaries!
The salisbury HOA doesn’t like people having good clean fun
So…the people, persons, the citizens, the public…..that want to use the quarry that weekend….are actually not ” the public” Now I see why they didnt sign their name to this garbage notice. This council of karens clearly care more about their power play than about the citizens that want a day in the quarry.
Hopefully they’ll do dirt bikes next. That’ll be a hoot.