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Low Income Apartments and Affordable Housing For Rent in Salisbury, MD

When you go to the link they let you know that you would need to make $24.83 hourly in order to afford a two bedroom apartment in Salisbury


4 thoughts on “Low Income Apartments and Affordable Housing For Rent in Salisbury, MD”

  1. Maybe instead of promoting section 8 housing, and keeping citizens in poverty. Your goverment should be focusing on jobs, industry, manufacturing.

    Appears most of your city council only has one agenda.

    ….. and some seem to have a conflict of interest on the matter.

    HUD isn’t a solution, it never has been, and if you think it is, you are stupid.

  2. Rent is as high in Salisbury as it is in the DC area where there are lots of good paying government jobs. What does Salisbury have? Perdue and the hospital and they aren’t the greatest paying jobs.

    1. And greed.
      70%+ rentals
      30% poverty
      And your government has allowed a handful of greedy landlords to control the structure of the town.
      Kick backs
      Back door deals
      Hand outs
      Intentional laws that do not protect the tenants-citizens.

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