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Joint Statement from Governor Moore, Mayor Scott, County Executive Olszewski, and County Executive Pittman on Resources Being Provided to Key Bridge Collapse Victims’ Families

ANNAPOLIS, MD — Governor Wes Moore, Baltimore City Mayor Brandon Scott, Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski, and Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman released the following joint statement on ongoing efforts to support the families of the victims of the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse:

“Our state is thinking of the victims of the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse and praying for their families – now and always. These families are living a nightmare, and we share an obligation to support them in every way we can.

These families deserve closure – and our team continues to focus on the recovery of their loved ones. The collapse of the Key Bridge has resulted in a complex, dangerous situation for everyone involved in this operation. But our commitment to bringing closure with dignity will not waver.

Community partners and government leaders have united in common cause to deliver help and healing in this time of need – and that work continues. We also ask that the public respect the privacy of these families as they grieve. We need to show our humanity.

Everyone has a role to play in this moment. Now is the time for us to come together, lift each other up, and show the world what it means to be Maryland Tough and Baltimore Strong.”

“Nuestro estado está pensando en las víctimas del colapso del puente Francis Scott Key y nuestras oraciones por sus familias se mantienen ahora y siempre. Estas familias están viviendo una pesadilla y compartimos todos la obligación de apoyarlas en todo lo que podamos.

Estas familias merecen una conclusión digna y nuestro equipo continúa enfocándose en la recuperación de sus seres queridos. El colapso del puente es una situación compleja y peligrosa para todos los involucrados en esta operación. Pero nuestro compromiso de lograr esta conclusión digna se mantendrá firme.

Los líderes gubernamentales y nuestros compañeros en la comunidad nos hemos unido en esta causa para brindar asistencia y recuperación en este momento de necesidad, y este trabajo continúa. También pedimos que el público respete la privacidad de estas familias mientras están de luto. Necesitamos mostrar nuestra humanidad.

Todos tenemos un papel que desempeñar en este momento. Ahora es el momento de unirnos, elevar nuestros sentimientos en común y mostrarle al mundo lo que significa Fuerza Como Maryland y Fuertes Como Baltimore.”

The governor, mayor, and both county executives have been working together with their partners to coordinate a series of cross-jurisdictional supports. Among the key highlights:

Actions from the State of Maryland:

  • Within days of the collapse, the Moore-Miller Administration appointed an administration liaison in the Governor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs to work with the families of the victims in their time of need
  • The Moore-Miller Administration introduced an amendment to the PORT Act, which proposes the creation of a new, permanent scholarship program for the families of transportation workers who die on the job
  • The administration has been working in coordination with federal partners to provide necessary federal relief for impacted families.

Actions from Baltimore City:

  • The Baltimore City Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs (MIMA) has established a fund to support the victim’s families during this difficult time.
  • Following the crisis, families have been assigned case management support through an immigrant non-profit organization, which has proven instrumental in guiding them through the labyrinth of available services and resources tailored to their unique linguistic needs.

Actions from Baltimore County:

  • Baltimore County Mobile Crisis Response and Affiliated Sante Group, in partnership with Baltimore County’s Immigrant Affairs Outreach team, have continued to provide direct outreach, connection to resources, and mental health crisis support through assessment, case management, and counseling.
  • The Baltimore County Department of Health and Human Services is providing direct assistance in order to provide financial relief, support food security, and address families’ other immediate needs.

Actions from Anne Arundel County

  • The Anne Arundel Police Department’s Crisis Intervention Unit has been in communication with family members of victims to provide support.

This tragedy affects all of us. Call or text 988 if you or a loved one are feeling overwhelmed, sad, or stressed. 988 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 988 Lifeline counselors are ready and here to help you.

In addition to the actions listed above, government leaders have been moving in partnership with leaders in the nonprofit sector and across all parts of society to deliver other supports to the families of the victims of the Key Bridge collapse.

2 thoughts on “Joint Statement from Governor Moore, Mayor Scott, County Executive Olszewski, and County Executive Pittman on Resources Being Provided to Key Bridge Collapse Victims’ Families”

  1. Look, no one should have died in this tragedy and I’m not wishing to worst to anyone, but were the men who died in this tragedy here in the United States legally or illegally? And with some of the highest unemployment numbers of black in the country right here in Baltimore, has this country simply moved to general labor jobs being fill solely by immigrants?

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