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Unexpected Turn in Jan. 6 Riot Case as Congressman Higgins Exposes FBI’s Alleged Role

Congressman Higgins, known for his hard-right views, has emerged as a central figure, making bold claims about the events surrounding the insurrection.

Despite the controversial nature of his assertions, House Republicans have not shied away from elevating him within their ranks.

Since his fourth term in the House, Congressman Higgins has been vocal about his beliefs regarding the events of January 6th. He has alleged the existence of “ghost buses,” which he claims transported agent provocateurs to the Capitol to instigate the riot.

Additionally, he has accused the federal government of waging a “civil war” against Texas and has dismissed criminal charges against former President Donald J. Trump as a “perimeter probe from the oppressors.”

Despite these controversial statements, House Republicans have chosen to elevate Congressman Higgins within their party.

Notably, he was appointed as the chairman of the subcommittee overseeing border enforcement and was named one of 11 impeachment managers tasked with trying to remove the homeland security secretary from office in a Senate trial, The New York Times reported on Thursday, April 4.

However, Congressman Higgins’s elevation within the party has not tempered his penchant for spreading unsupported theories. Many of his claims portray law enforcement and the government in a sinister, conspiratorial light.

These assertions have sparked intense debate and scrutiny, particularly in the context of ongoing investigations into the Capitol riot.

One of the most significant claims made by Congressman Higgins is regarding the alleged involvement of the FBI in the events of January 6th.

He has suggested that the FBI played a role in orchestrating the riot, raising questions about the agency’s motives and actions leading up to the incident.

These allegations have gained traction among some conservative circles, fueling speculation and distrust in government institutions.


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