As we have reported in the past, the new Media Resource Selection and Review Policy does nothing to protect children, but only opens the door to the purchase and protection of peddling obscene materials to children. The policy has an erroneous measure that states a parent or guardian can flag a book so that their child cannot checkout from the media center. What we have been saying all along is that this illusionary provision makes it appear as though a parent has control over what their child can access in school, but really doesn’t. A child has full access to any book whether a parent likes it or not. The policy and its procedure have no stop-measures in place to prevent or stop a child from accessing and reading an obscene book right there in the school media center without checking it out.
Wicomico School Officials Admit Children Have Access to Books Beyond Parental Control
At the March 19, 2024 Legislative County Council meeting, WCPS goes before the council and Councilman Joe Holloway asked a question. As a result, Wicomico Public School officials, including the board Chair Gene Malone and Superintendent Micah Stauffer casually admit that a child has access to books beyond parental control. Watch the one-minute video below:
There you have it. A child has full access, sees the material, and it’s too late. The depictions and descriptions cannot be unseen or unlearned. A child isn’t going to check out a book a second time, as the negligent superintendent referred to their erroneous measure as a solution.
These are just some of the books available to children as young as 11-years old, including sex acts, sex toys, bestiality (human sex with animals), glorified drug use, and orgies.
Can any child under 18 unsee this?
And there you have it,
No bible , no truth or light
They offer ours kids darkness!
So tuciferian cancer sickness is allowed
Well we are getting the message just like this demonic president pushing Trans day instead of our savior
Wow if that’s not a spit in the face of God by this lucierian administration. I don’t know is… but it can get any worse
I’d be more concerned what your kids are seeing on their cellphones. How often do you see your kids checking out books from a library? And how often do you see them glued to a phone.
These are the people that are supposed to be guarding the INNOCENCE of children as long as possible. I thank God my kids are out of school for years now-if they were still in the school system I would take them out-immediately! This is so revolting.
This is about the most disgusting thing I have ever read. Every one of those adults should be charged with child abuse! We can’t let this continue. Is it any wonder you hear the things come out of their mouths that you hear that makes you want to cringe.
Most teachers at that school are pedofiles
Apparently Gene Malone and Micah Stauffer don’t give a rat’s behind what their children see, hear or are taught at school. What a disgraceful thing this is. They need to go. All of them.
The WCBOE are clearly supporters of pedophilia in deed and action. There are three that claim they don’t agree with the sexualized agenda, but are weakly looking the other way while witnessing the rape of children. It only takes one board member with integrity to make the dominoes fall.
And there are none!
Simple solution is for concerned parties to repeatedly go to every board meeting and literally put this right in their faces while somebody records every bit of it. Start putting out on the web and just bombard the wcboe in very bad press.