During the 2022 election, Wicomico County Board of Education candidate Gene Malone (District 2) was asked by news media outlets on his position on removing books from a school media center. The question was triggered by the controversial obscene books in the schools. His answer at the time was different than today. Let’s see what he had to say on the removal of books in his campaign message below:
This is what Board Chair Gene Malone says today:
Malone stated he was inclusive when he was running for reelection, but now putting forth efforts to exclude resident-taxpayers in board policy from having any say of what’s in the school system – from obscene books to indoctrinating curriculum.
Lean, mean Gene the dancing machine at it again. Dancing around all of the issues, and doing a fat lot of nothing.
How can we recall these elected liars?!
Another worthless you know what
Typical politician! Glad I didn’t vote for him.
you for not knowing
Explain to me again what the problem is …
They all do, it is just you uneducated morons who keep thinking they will do something different. They always tell you what they want you to hear or to get you rovte and boom, just like your god trump who didn’t do as he promise don’t his campaign yet you all lick his boots. Trump is against your due process yet you all lick his feet. You can’t fix stupid, and boy are you people just that, stupid!
I dont expect Trump to fix or do anything. I fully believe that this country is beyond redemptin. But I will vote for him anyway becuase of people like you. Its all going to burn down- but at least i can cause you to go insane with rage on the way. Fun, fun, fun!